The influence of music on the human psyche: rock, pop, jazz and classic - what, when and why to listen?

Most people like to listen to music, not fully aware of what impact it has on a person and his psyche. Sometimes music causes excessive energy, and sometimes it has a relaxing effect. But whatever the reaction of the listener to the music, it certainly has a tendency to influence the human psyche.

So, music is everywhere, its diversity cannot be counted, without it it is impossible to imagine human life, therefore the influence of music on the human psyche is, of course, a very important topic. Today we consider the most basic styles of music and find out what impact they have on a person.

Rock - suicide music?

Many researchers in this field consider rock music to have a negative effect on the human psyche due to the “destructiveness” of the style itself. Rock music is mistakenly accused of contributing to suicidal tendencies in adolescents. But in fact, this behavior is not caused by listening to music, but rather the opposite.

Some problems of the adolescent and his parents, such as gaps in education, lack of necessary attention of parents, unwillingness to put themselves on a par with their peers for internal reasons, all this leads the young and fragile psychologically young body to rock music. And the music of this style itself has a disturbing and energizing effect, and, as it seems to a teenager, fills the gaps that must be filled.

Popular music and its influence

In popular music, listeners are attracted by simple lyrics and light catchy melodies. On this basis, the influence of music on the human psyche in this case should be easy and unconstrained, but everything is quite different.

It is considered that popular music has a very negative impact on human intelligence. And many people of science argue that this is true. Of course, the degradation of a person as an individual will not happen in one day or in one listening to popular music, all this happens gradually, over a long time. Pop music is mostly preferred by people prone to romance, and since it is significantly lacking in real life, they have to look for something similar in this direction of music.

Jazz and psyche

Jazz is a very unique and original style, it has no negative effect on the psyche. To the sounds of jazz, a person simply relaxes and enjoys music, which rolls ashore like a wave of the ocean and has a positive effect. Figuratively speaking, in jazz melodies one can dissolve without a trace, only if this style is close to the listener.

Scientists at one of the medical institutes conducted research on the effect of jazz on the musician himself, playing the melody, especially the improvisational game. When a jazzman improvises, his brain shuts off certain areas, and on the contrary activates some areas, along the way, the musician plunges into some kind of trance, in him he easily creates music that he has never heard or played before. So jazz influences not only the psyche of the listener, but also the musician himself, performing some kind of improvisation.

Classical music - the perfect music for the human psyche?

According to psychologists, classical music is ideal for the human psyche. It has a good effect, both on the general condition of the person, and puts in order the emotions, feelings and sensations. Classical music is able to eliminate depression and stress, helps to "get rid" of sadness. And while listening to some works by V.A. Mozart, small children develop intellectually much faster. Such classical music is brilliant in all its manifestations.

As mentioned above, music is the most diverse and which one a person chooses to listen, listening to their personal preferences. Hence the conclusion that the influence of music on the human psyche first of all depends on the person himself, on his character, personal qualities and, of course, temperament. So you need to choose and listen to music that which is more to your liking, and not that which is imposed or presented as necessary or useful.

The author - Stanislav Kolesnik

And at the end of the article I propose to listen to the remarkable work by V.A. Mozart's “Little Night Serenade” for a beneficial effect on the psyche:

Watch the video: Kind of Blue: How Miles Davis Changed Jazz (March 2025).

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