Young pianists

For several centuries the Mozart phenomenon has been occupied by the minds of parents and teachers who want to raise the same prodigy in children. It suffices to recall the father of the famous L. Beethoven, who was haunted by the glory of a competitor and he wanted to develop genius in his son. Who knows, can any of these small and unusually gifted pianists in the future be a famous musician who will make a huge contribution to the history of music?

In this video, Ryan Kriebs, who is only 11 years old, is masterfully performed by Etude F. Chopin. Just look at his focused face and with what ease his fingers flutter above the keyboard, barely touching it.

Emily Bear, widely known at home and abroad. She is called modern Mozart, because she started playing the instrument from the age of three, and from six years she composed her first compositions. We invite you to watch her performance in Santa Fe with the Piano Concerto in A minor by R. Schumann. In this video, she is only 11 years old, but notice how impressively and masterly she copes with such a complex work.

Another unusually gifted little pianist from the USA is Aaron Kurtz. The video shows his performance at the International Piano Competition, held in Virginia, where he won an honorable second place. Aaron Kurtz masterfully copes with a rather complex program: Bagatel L. Beethoven, Prelude C sharp major S.V. Rakhmaninov. By the way, according to the youngest pianist, Sergey Vasilyevich is his favorite composer and quite recently he became the winner of the next International Competition, where S. Rakhmaninov brilliantly performed the Third Concerto.

Watch the video: 4 Year Old Boy Plays Piano Better Than Any Master (March 2025).

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