Crossword on the life and work of Mozart

Good day, dear friends!

I present a new musical crossword "The life and work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart". Mozart - the genius of music, lived quite a bit (1756-1791), only 35 years old, but all that he managed to do during his stay on Earth just shook the universe. You all must have heard the music of the 40th Symphony, Little Night Serenade and Turkish March. This and beautiful music at different times admired the greatest minds of mankind.

Let us turn to our task. Mozart crossword is made up of 25 questions. The level of complexity, of course, is not simple, medium. In order to solve them all, you may need to carefully read the textbook. However, as always, the answers are given at the end.

Some questions are very, very interesting. They besides crossword can be used in contests and quizzes. In addition to the answers, a surprise awaits you at the end!

Well, good luck to you in solving Mozart crossword!

Questions horizontal:

  1. The last work of Mozart, the requiem mass.
  2. During a trip to Italy in 1769-1770, the Mozart family visited the Sistine Chapel in Rome. There, young Wolfgang heard a choir composition by Grigorio Allegri, and after that he recorded the score of this 9-part vocal choir from memory. What was this essay called?
  3. The student of Mozart, who after the death of the composer finished work on the Requiem.
  4. In the opera The Magic Flute, Papageno, with his play, bewitched the cunning Monostatos and his servants, who instead of catching Papageno, began to dance. What was this musical instrument?
  5. In which Italian city did Wolfgang Amadeus meet the famous polyphony teacher Padre Martini and even become a member of the Philharmonic Academy?
  6. For what instrument is Mozart’s famous Turkish Rondo written?
  7. What was the name of the good wizard and wise priest, whom the Queen of the Night wanted to destroy in the opera "The Magic Flute"?
  8. Austrian musicologist and composer, who first collected all the famous works of Mozart and combined them into a single catalog.
  9. Who among Russian poets created the little tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"?
  10. In the opera "Le Figaro's Wedding" there is such an actor: a young boy, his part is played by a female voice, he is addressed by his famous aria, "A playful boy, curly, in love ..." Figaro ... What is the character's name?
  11. What character in the opera "Le Figaro's Wedding", having lost a pin in the grass, sings an aria with the words "Dropped, lost ...".
  12. Which composer did Mozart dedicate to 6 of his quartets?
  13. What is the 41st symphony of Mozart called?

Questions on the vertical:

  1. It is known that the famous "Turkish March" was written in the form of rondo and is the final, third part of Mozart's 11th piano sonata. In what form is the first part of this sonata written?
  2. One of the parts of the Mozart Requiem is called Lacrimosa. What does this name mean (as translated)?
  3. Mozart married a girl from the Weber family. What was the name of his wife?
  4. In the symphonies of Mozart, the third movement, as a rule, is called the French three-part dance. What is this dance?
  5. What French playwright is the author of the plot that Mozart took for his opera The Marriage of Figaro?
  6. Mozart's father was not an obscure composer and violinist. What was the name of Wolfgang Amadeus's father?
  7. As the story goes, in 1785 Mozart met one Italian poet, Lorenzo da Ponte. What did this poet write for Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, Don Juan and All of them?
  8. During one of the children's touring tours, Mozart met one of the sons of I.S. Bach - Johann Christian Bach and played a lot with him. In which city did this happen?
  9. Who is the author of this quote: "Eternal sunshine in music, your name is Mozart"?
  10. Which of the characters in the opera "The Magic Flute" sings the song "I Am Known to All Birds ..."?
  11. Mozart had a sister, her name was Maria Anna, but in the family she was called differently. How?
  12. What city was born composer Mozart?

Answers to Mozart's life and creativity crossword are here!

Horizontal: 1. Requiem 2. Mizerere 3. Zusmayr 4. Bells 5. Bologna 6. Piano 7. Zarastro 8. Köhel 9. Pushkin 10. Cherubino 11. Barbarina 12. Haydn 13. Jupiter.

Vertical: 1. Variations 2. Lacrimal 3. Constanta 4. Minuet 5. Beaumarchais 6. Leopold 7. Libretto 8. London 9. Rubinstein 10. Papageno 11. Nannerl 12. Salzburg.

Yes, by the way, I remind you that I already have a whole “treasure” of other musical crosswords for you - look and choose here!

As promised, at the end you will find a surprise - of course, a musical one. And the music will no doubt be Mozart! I present to your attention the original processing by Oleg Pereverzev "Turkish Rondo" by Mozart. Oleg Pereverzev - a young Kazakh pianist, and throughout - a virtuoso. What you see and hear - in my opinion, just a class! So…

Watch the video: Classical Music for Reading - Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, Tchaikovsky. . (March 2025).

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